Friday, February 1, 2008

Poets in paradise

The word is out, there are some poets about
Who pen their lines, then are filled with doubt.

They hide them away somewhere, never to be seen
Pity, `cause when you wrote it, you were quite keen.

It’s no good writing poetry, if you have no audience
You need to share it with others, for it all to make sense.

If you’re serious about you’re writing, or it’s just a hobby
Come and see us, we’ll give you this guarantee.

You’ll be encouraged, and of course heard
As we do our bit to, preserve the spoken word.

Whether you read or recite, it doesn’t really matter
We share with the professional, as well as the amateur.

Feel the warmth of the applause, relish the support
If you happen to make a blue, it’ll amount to naught

So take the first step, it’s one you won’t regret
Feel our friendly atmosphere, devoid of threat.

Come and express your feelings, of your way of life
So that future generations can share our delight.

The old teahouse gallery is the place we meet
Satisfy your hunger for poetry and something to eat

The third Sunday of the month is when we all get together
And if you don’t want to recite, it doesn’t really matter

The Mudgeeraba Budgerigar
January 20th 2008