Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Next poetry date is December 15th 2013 from 1pm to 3:30 pm. Look forward to seeing you there!!

3rd Sunday Monthly Established 9 years. 
Come along and join us reciting and listening to freshly written poetry, meet  Jeff Irene Joan Bob Eoin Alex Vincent Judi The Banjo Ted  Tom Jean  Trish Roger Allen Sandra Gloria Judy Mac Joyce Lisa Peter Dancin Dan Cerrese Sylvia Margeret Ray Kathy Robyn Ngaire Hillary Daniel Graham and all the others. 

GCCC Southport Library corner of Garden and Lawson Streets.

Poetry 'special' at Jamie's coffee shop in foyer!! 

2013 Themes

January 20th – Tradition
March 17th – Autumn Colours
May 19th – The Dream
July 21st – Courage
September 15th – Family
November 17th – The Future
February 17th – What is love?
April 21st – The River
June 16th – Not in my backyard
August 18th – Looking Back
October 20th – The Reunion
December 15th – Is there a Santa Claus?

Optional First Lines

January 20th – The nectar of the Gods was…
February 17th – Mates, you know they…
March 17th – I’ll never forget…
April 21st – On my to-do list is…
May 19th – The end of the rainbow is…
June 16th – What makes me laugh is…
July -21st – It’s over before…
August – 18th- At Poetry in Paradise…
September 15th – A friend is someone that…
October-20th – Money can’t buy happiness…
November 17th – My Community is…
December 15th- Here's a rhyme at Christmas time........

also you can visit us at 
GCCC Runaway Bay Library   Thursday 23/05/13
GCCC Helensvale Library        Saturday 29/06/13
GCCC Burleigh Waters Library Thursday 24/10/13
GCCC Robina Library             Thursday 21/011/13

Do you think you should come along to our next poetry afternoon??? Read this first!!

Go on give it a go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I heard about a poetry group 
I thought that I may go
Then I wondered who would be there
And now I just don’t know.

Would they all be professionals?
Even though the add said they were not
Will they be wearing poetry uniforms?
That’s something I haven’t got.

Will they all be women?
Will they all be young or grey?
will there be any men there?
And would they all be gay.

What if my poems are weak?
And they all laugh at me
Well, the add did say no judging
And the subject theme was free

Decisions oh decisions
Are such hard things to make?
Do I be adventurous?
Such a chance should I take 

Bring your friends along it said
Yes come along one and all
You can be a supporter
Or sip your coffee and be enthralled

Life is such a dilemma
I just don’t know what to do
What does a poet look like?
Are they just like me and you?

I guess I’ll just have to front up
Stick out my chin and stand up tall
All my questions will be answered
When I walk into that hall.

I’m sure they’ll all be human
Probably as nervous as me
If I’m not brave enough to read 
I’ll just smile and enjoy the free coffee

So come along one and all
Yes!!! Lets all decide to go
We’ll see what a poet looks like
Then next time, we’ll all know. 

Copyright Poetry in Paradise 2004 Trade mark no. 1028534. Jeffrey.N.Goudy

The Wedding Album 1959

The Wedding Album 1959
Inside that photo album is a record of my Dad and my Mum
proof they were together, had a daughter, and three sons
In her wedding dress my young Mum wore a smile
she looked beautiful as she walked down the chapel aisle

Both Grand Dads and Grandma's were there to celebrate you know what, 
I don't even know the exact date.
There's Aunties and Uncles that I've never met best friends they once had and now both forget
A wedding dress thats been lost by the way
most of the people in the photo's are not alive today

Dad gave it to me once when his new wife wasn't home 
and my Mum thinks it was long ago, away thrown
My stepfather wouldn't like to see what happened that day 
he's thinks he's unique in almost every way
there's flowers and decorations and the rooms done up nice 
I think Mum was pregnant and Dad took her fathers advice
I look at the photo's and think that is where my family began 
I wonder about my Dad and if he ever felt like a man
Mum now says that was another person a lifetime ago and
Dad hates mum and thinks she a mean old so and so
My parents were not role models, held tightly to their advice 
their parents were old fashioned and were never in my life
Inside that photo album is two total strangers to me
I find it hard to believe they were once young and free

My own wedding album was never quite formulated
I guess their married life I almost completely duplicated

I don't look at those photo's with any sense of pride 
it reminds me of how many times they have cried
I have a  new goal for me in my life 
to be happy and dream to one day be able to say,
inside that photo album is the wedding of me and Irene.

17/06/2012 Copyright Poetry in Paradise 1028534 

Daughter to Dad Fathers day 2012

Happy fathers day to my dear ol dad,
thought id write you a poem since you love em so bad
to let you know how much you mean to us all,
and how proud I am to stand up tall
and shout to the whole how amazing you are,
an inspiration and a real homegrown superstar,
as far as people go you are a proper good man,
a strong and noble leader of our wu tang clan,
thanks for being my boys grandaddy lolo
and for always being a holden man, not volvo
most of thanks for always being you
and supporting me in all that i do
wish we were there to make you breakfast in bed
so jordan could jump all over your head
the next best thing is to send you all our love,
it should be there any minute in a big white dove!

The acorn don't fall very far from the tree, you are all that you see in me. I gave you life as part of my role as a man and you were born an elder In the wu tang clan. I filled you with life and a love for passion and instilled in you a fear of the penguin assassin. Thank you my daughter for loving me beware of the portuguese lizard up in the tree. Teach Jordan an Reuben to be strong and not to fight the breeze to know right from wrong and chairs from cheese. I love my family and all that are in it, if wait long enough you will find you didn't. 
Love Ya Da Lolo Poppy Jeff

Friends, friends are the salt of the earth
when ya stuffs all gone it's all that ya worth

ya need ya friends to tell ya when ya doin wrong
it's lonely to be drunk an to sing without ya mate singing on

ya need ya friends to tell ya that cha getting fat
with out fear of reprisal like bein knocked flat

friends loan ya their tools and ya dont given back
then ya lie that you've seen em till they had the clap

friends 'll be there when ya sick in your hospital bed
they'll tell the truth when ya been a dickhead

friends you can turn to when the stuff hits the fan
or your movin house an ya needin a hand

friends was a bloody good show when on TV
I liked Joey and Phoebe she was one the one for me

friends are what we are all here today
and no one can ever take a true friend away

A friend can human a cat or a dog or a little budgie
friends come in all sizes like you and like me

friends yes friends are truly the salt of the earth
but if they rip you off twice then give'em a wide berth

Copyright Poetry in Paradise 2013 Reg TM No. 1028534

Built on a hand shake

Built on hand shake the theme for this month's poetry job
I read somewhere once that somebody famous 
said this great nation was built on a hand shake, 
maybe it was Pig Iron Bob

A hand shake doesn't mean that much any more
A litigious society is what where now in  for
Suing each other to the left and the right
Children suing parents and starting a legal fight

Sue for divorce bankruptcy and malicious slander
A bloke can get in trouble just for havin a gander
Don't you dare to whistle if a pretty lady walks past
She’ll take your money and the lawyer your ass

There's this new kind of villain their called a civil libertarian
knowing nothing bout wrong or right,for that they just aint carin
if it offends one single person than the whole nation must pay
think of the less fortunate the defenceless the lawyers all say

Like TV shows or radio programmes that offend even one
There is a channel changer and an off switch are they really that dumb

I had to laugh once or twice with Mr John Laws when on the air
when a listener called up to say for him he does not really care
he said he cant believe his radio show for fifty years has lasted
every day he hears him and in thirty years he's always been nothing but a bastard

Built on hand shake is my first impression of a man
I do so hate one that has a truly limp hand
A vice like grip is challenge to me
squeeze a bit harder you mongrel then you just try and get free

A lady shakes my hand I never know where to look
I look at her chest like it's some sort of playboy book
When I was a kid you just didn't do that
Times  are a changing now, well fancy that

Copyright Poetry in Paradise 2013 Reg TM No. 1028534

THe Nectar of the Gods.

The nectar of the God's was what I entered into google dot com dot au
the top twenty sites they offered had similar lists 
bar an item or maybe two

The top five that I have written down for prosperity were in everyone of the top ten
They were ones that came up the most using quantitative research methods to filter them

Number one was was without a doubt a drink thats favoured down ol Mexico way
“El melyon es el nectar de los dioses” was a drink purported able to make everybody's day

Number two was a real surprise but then I guess it's not that queer
My poem has a flamin metre so no guesses the answers a nice cold beer

Number three was very intriguing and was not even on imaginary radar
I would love to tell what it is was but the answers just a tad bizarre 

Number four was not the local ministers pretty young 18 year old daughter
no my friends it was good clean old fashioned pure chilled drinking water

number five comes as no surprise to me I thought it would've be number one
alcohol yes alcohol and drinking it in each any which way it comes

The nectar of the God's changes with me depending on where and when
I like the top five and I admit I have enjoyed them all now and then

I guess to pick a favourite would be a difficult thing to have to do to for me
I vary from one to five at times but then I guess I couldn't live with out um um um number three.

Copyright Poetry in Paradise Reg TM No. 1028534

Dirranbandi Grandi

Dirranbandi Grandi 

Grand dad came down from Dirranbandi and he humped his swag up on the train
Then he slept out on me veranda and thanked Huey it didn’t rain
He tells anyone he’s from the bush and that’s he’s very proud of that
He says he loves the bloody heat and that the whole flamin world should be flat
He says he learnt to ride a horse himself!!  long before he could even walk
N’That a cook taught’im how to swear like a shearer before he learnt to talk

Me Granddad only ever had one car that could fill the whole list on his extensive quota
He’s never seen anything that’d come close to his 1961 tray back two door white Toyota
Well me sister rocked up to see him with her stuck up city banker high flyer creep
Bragging bout their luxury four door all wheel drive turbo charged black as night Jeep
The banker told his fancy tale to us though his story came quiet uninvited
He listed all the features this Jeep thing had and the diff gear ratios were precisely cited

Ol Granddad just bit his lip then sat back and rolled another log cabin smoke
Show the flamin thing some dust dirt ‘n gravel and he reckoned that it’d flamin choke
The ol bugger tipped his akubra to the ladies and then nodded his goodbyes
Taking out his filled hip flask with a determined thirsty look in his eyes
He finished off his rum as he stretched upon the verandah again upon his swag
Then smiled a drunken smile and laughed out loudly like it was the best idea he’d ever had

Chirp chirp went the jeep when the keyless tag was directed poorly at the floor
The bloody parkin lights came on with the computer actually openin up the flaming door
“Welcome Sir” a British voice said to him as he clambered drunkedley and hoped inside
“Do not forget to buckle up Sir, or I cannot take you any where for a ride”
Ping ping the car went as he found the strap and stuck it in the holster right beside his hip
Some green light was flashing upon the dash so granddad pushed it and thus began his trip

“What’s your destination Sir please key in the address for where it is you’d like to go”
Granddad said “well bugger me”  the computer replied  that request it did not know
He braced himself adjusted the mirror but the seat he just could not seem to move
Somehow he pushed 98.9 on the radio and Old Slim came on makin ol granddad groove
He hit the garage door for he had not figured out yet the need to push the button
Then he cursed to himself  this piece of garbage is just lamb dressed up as mutton

The door was open now and the Jeep an it's reckless pilot were out in the street
Granddad smiled to himself as “lights on the hill” helped him to keep his beat
They headed for the freeway for he knew that was the way he came
He found it hard to find the wipers as the wind swept off some of the rain
He thought about his Mabel and the nights they spent on blueberry hill
That’s were he and the jeep was heading he just hoped the jeep had the will

For the road to lovers leap was nothing less then an ol bush track 
At night it would be a journey where only the Toyota could get him back
He drove straight through the wire fence and at that he was impressed
He got a glimpse of Mabel as the pattern reminded him of her dress
He looked out of the windscreen and could see the peak way up high
He dropped her into to second gear and made that gearbox cry

The wheels started slipping but he would not be  turning back
The wire wrapped around them an made a click click click clack
He tried to find the old path that once had gone right around the trees
The jeep she was hangin in there and had come thus far with ease
Things got dark on one side as he miss calculated a hidden rock
The bump nearly threw him from his seat and gave him quiet a shock

He didn’t see the puddle in front of him, which was almost a lake
He was right in the middle of it when he decided it was time to brake
The car came to halt the water was almost right up to the door
He laughed and said “there now darling that’s what they made ya for”
He dropped her into low with the wheels making a watery sound
Then the spray came in the window as he lowered it, to look around

Back on his mission when he had almost topped the flamin hill
The engine making a noise that could only be described as shrill
Somehow the jeep then got side ways as it skidded into a tree
But granddad revved her up and turned the wheel and they broke free
It wasn’t very far now as he saw through the rain to the very top
The jeep was going to make it with this his jaw had slightly dropped

What the poor bugger didn’t know was some rich man had bought the other side
He’d built a mansion on the cliff face that was now his joy and his pride
Four stories of luxury with a view that was nearly impossible to beat
A bloody great big palace on a mountain where the bush and city meet
Granddad must’ve really felt like he was a just a flamin bloody fool
As him an the jeep skidded through the landscaping the marble right into the pool

It would have been a funny sight for the millionaire and his new wife
To see the old bugger saturated an dog paddling tryin to save his own life
They fished him out together and he drunkardly tried to give'em a thank
Then they watched the bubbles disappear as the Jeep beneath the water sank
Granddad lied and told them it was the first time he had ever driven in town
The jeep was bloody tough but he doubted that his land-cruiser woulda drowned
Jeffrey Goudy 04/03/2013

Grand dad came down from Dirranbandi and he humped his swag up on the train
Then he slept out on me veranda and thanked Huey it didn’t rain
He tells anyone he’s from the bush and that’s he’s very proud of that
He says he loves the bloody heat and that the whole flamin world should be flat
He says he learnt to ride a horse himself!!  long before he could even walk
N’That a cook taught’im how to swear like a shearer before he learnt to talk

Me Granddad only ever had one car that could fill the whole list on his extensive quota
He’s never seen anything that’d come close to his 1961 tray back two door white Toyota
Well me sister rocked up to see him with her stuck up city banker high flyer creep
Bragging bout their luxury four door all wheel drive turbo charged black as night Jeep
The banker told his fancy tale to us though his story came quiet uninvited
He listed all the features this Jeep thing had and the diff gear ratios were precisely cited

Ol Granddad just bit his lip then sat back and rolled another log cabin smoke
Show the flamin thing some dust dirt ‘n gravel and he reckoned that it’d flamin choke
The ol bugger tipped his akubra to the ladies and then nodded his goodbyes
Taking out his filled hip flask with a determined thirsty look in his eyes
He finished off his rum as he stretched upon the verandah again upon his swag
Then smiled a drunken smile and laughed out loudly like it was the best idea he’d ever had

Chirp chirp went the jeep when the keyless tag was directed poorly at the floor
The bloody parkin lights came on with the computer actually openin up the flaming door
“Welcome Sir” a British voice said to him as he clambered drunkedley and hoped inside
“Do not forget to buckle up Sir, or I cannot take you any where for a ride”
Ping ping the car went as he found the strap and stuck it in the holster right beside his hip
Some green light was flashing upon the dash so granddad pushed it and thus began his trip

“What’s your destination Sir please key in the address for where it is you’d like to go”
Granddad said “well bugger me”  the computer replied  that request it did not know
He braced himself adjusted the mirror but the seat he just could not seem to move
Somehow he pushed 98.9 on the radio and Old Slim came on makin ol granddad groove
He hit the garage door for he had not figured out yet the need to push the button
Then he cursed to himself  this piece of garbage is just lamb dressed up as mutton

The door was open now and the Jeep an it's reckless pilot were out in the street
Granddad smiled to himself as “lights on the hill” helped him to keep his beat
They headed for the freeway for he knew that was the way he came
He found it hard to find the wipers as the wind swept off some of the rain
He thought about his Mabel and the nights they spent on blueberry hill
That’s were he and the jeep was heading he just hoped the jeep had the will

For the road to lovers leap was nothing less then an ol bush track 
At night it would be a journey where only the Toyota could get him back
He drove straight through the wire fence and at that he was impressed
He got a glimpse of Mabel as the pattern reminded him of her dress
He looked out of the windscreen and could see the peak way up high
He dropped her into to second gear and made that gearbox cry

The wheels started slipping but he would not be  turning back
The wire wrapped around them an made a click click click clack
He tried to find the old path that once had gone right around the trees
The jeep she was hangin in there and had come thus far with ease
Things got dark on one side as he miss calculated a hidden rock
The bump nearly threw him from his seat and gave him quiet a shock

He didn’t see the puddle in front of him, which was almost a lake
He was right in the middle of it when he decided it was time to brake
The car came to halt the water was almost right up to the door
He laughed and said “there now darling that’s what they made ya for”
He dropped her into low with the wheels making a watery sound
Then the spray came in the window as he lowered it, to look around

Back on his mission when he had almost topped the flamin hill
The engine making a noise that could only be described as shrill
Somehow the jeep then got side ways as it skidded into a tree
But granddad revved her up and turned the wheel and they broke free
It wasn’t very far now as he saw through the rain to the very top
The jeep was going to make it with this his jaw had slightly dropped

What the poor bugger didn’t know was some rich man had bought the other side
He’d built a mansion on the cliff face that was now his joy and his pride
Four stories of luxury with a view that was nearly impossible to beat
A bloody great big palace on a mountain where the bush and city meet
Granddad must’ve really felt like he was a just a flamin bloody fool
As him an the jeep skidded through the landscaping the marble right into the pool

It would have been a funny sight for the millionaire and his new wife
To see the old bugger saturated an dog paddling tryin to save his own life
They fished him out together and he drunkardly tried to give'em a thank
Then they watched the bubbles disappear as the Jeep beneath the water sank
Granddad lied and told them it was the first time he had ever driven in town
The jeep was bloody tough but he doubted that his land-cruiser woulda drowned

Jeffrey Goudy 04/03/2013 Copyright Poetry in Paradise Reg TM No. 1028534



Mates, you know they can be annoying 
but some times they can lift you up a bit but
most of my ol'mates well they just
always got me deeper  in the pit 

True mates are hard to come by
ones that don't judge and put you down
that don't talk about your short comings
and hide when your around

mate's that stay forever
are rare and worth more than any gold
their the ones who want to make up stories with
when you retired and getting old

from back when I can remember
theres only two stand out blokes
one who's now too up himself
and the other one tells sexist jokes

Me first mate was beside me
from 71 to 83 when he went bush
he's been back a couple of times
but our friendship he didn't push

He became an angry racist
we went to school with kids that were black
he turned his back on me missus
and I've never once looked back

then theres me ol'mate Kev 
Ive known him since 92
we've helped each other out many times
theres nothing for the other we wouldn't do

We have our private jokes
like number three and never say her name
he went back home Townsville
but the mate ship has remained

two men think their Jesus
one of em must be right
he looks like the Bundy Bear
and he'd back me in a fight

he let me live at his place 
when  I was down on me luck
I lined him up with a few shiela's
but he had to go out on the truck

I havn't seen lately
in fact not for the longest while
but our picture takes me places
and the thought makes me smile 

Mates, they really can
bring good things into your life
a man needs a man to talk to
as much as a man needs a wife

16/02/13 Copyright Poetry in Paradise Reg TM No. 1028534

The DSM-IV-TR Demon

The DSM-IV-TR Demon

Into this dangerous world another child was born
then from her drug addicted mother she was torn
her mother fought sometimes and got her back
but she was so far lost down the cities dirty track

She wanted to hold her but she knew it wasn't right
babies weren't welcome beneath the old red light
She learnt quick and fast and she grew up mean
never really a kid never had a childhood dream

Life for street kids it doesn't work out that way 
for without the John's money there was no pay
youth detention centres pushed her toward bad
foster homes peadophiles helped to make her mad

The child grew or you could say was dragged up wrong
at times beaten and battered by her mothers John's
learning early the bruising effects of a drunken rage
her medical record a timeline of abuse on every page

At twelve heroin found it's way inside her tiny arm
her youthful body pulled customers like a lucky charm
the harsh city streets became her only home 
then she lost her own child just two days grown

Her young life was tough and her life was so cruel 
battling her way through the hard knock school
her Mother had died and her baby was long gone 
her life's story reads like a sad country song

Methadone Cocaine Ice Speed and Crack, 
she was truly lost down the dark side of the track
every man that knew her beat her black and blue
this way of life was the only thing she knew

She started to steal more, to rob and to bash
the John's paid less and the dealers needed cash
her once youthful supple body began to age 
when she lost her beauty she found her rage

Prison system soon became more often her home, 
raped by men and women beaten and truly alone
a mental illness came she was labeled with a few
all kinds of treatments began and some ECT too

Her journey was cast as she moved from place to place
her tragedies putting many lines into her once pretty face
asylums and psych wards places you wouldn't like to be
I cant imagine she ever once had the feeling of being free

Stigmatised sanitised labelled and slipping into the cracks
living proof of intolerance and all that our society lacks
the 'crazy' lady you see there in the hospital bed. 
looks seventy eight but twas forty five that her ID read

Many now think she is a hopeless lost cause, 
their criticisms flow sharply but never applause
I see a fighter, a spirit that just will not lay down 
one that made it through the toughest side of town

Sure she's angry, violent swearing and mad, 
but look a little closer at the life's she's had
if you or I had to share just part of her song
could we have stood up and been that strong

She's faced every hardship every wrong turn  
rose against the odds didn't crash and burn
now she sleeps peacefully forever beneath the earth
I hope her maker knows and values her true worth

Now her tortured mind will finally get some rest
for she has while on this earth passed every single test
they told me her daughter finally came along 
a couple of days late after her mother had gone

For the mother that she never knew she stood and cried
proudly with her four children right there by her side
adopted by a lovely family that gave her a good life
a proud Mother now and a loving happy wife

She placed a picture of her family upon her mothers grave
her husbands in the clergy and they know she's been saved
I shed a few tears when I heard and I thought oh boy
then my tears were for her peace and her finding true joy

 Jeffrey Goudy

The River

The River 

On my to do list for the month of april
why are there so many songs about rivers
so many artists have written about them 
that it just gives me the shivers

The Boss well he wrote the best song
how he always did as his daddy had done
then one summer he got Mary pregnant
no more river no more fun in the sun 

Nineteen years of age not a boy anymore
he pondered on life and what was next to do
was there any truth or hope and 
Was a dream just a lie that didn't come true

Olivia asked her love to take a little walk
a trip that ended in a deed so low
her reluctant lover said 'No' to marriage 
down by the banks of the ohio

David Byrne spoke of something you hope
never will happen to your daughter
He belted out a soulful tune as he begged 
to just be dropped into the water

John Foggerty left a good job in the city
too many promises that didn't deliver
Proud Mary took up the slack
he's forever rollin now on the river

Willie Nelson sang about a big flowing river 
making him feel so lonesome he could cry
for his lady loved that river  so much
that it made him wanna lay down an die

Garth Brooks said rivers are like dreams 
their currents like our feelings are strong
he pondered on lost love and changes
on  how rivers are always move on

Troy Casser Daly told a tale from his youth
how he was once just a “river boy” 
selling his fish, falling in love with a girl
that today still brings him much joy

Missy Higgins sang a tale of tragic love 
it was like a river full of such sorrow
the tide moves on and leaves you cold 
filled with only darkness for tomorrow

Jimmy and Mark caught a tram car to the quay 
to a river that once was filled with gold
that's what it was to two boys playing together
when they were just ten years old

Tina said the mountain can never be to high
nor the river ever too deep
Ike told her to do whatever he wanted 
Tina proved Ike, was just a creep

Neil Young sang a sad and lonesome tale 
about how much he has bled
since the night down at the riverside
when he shot his baby dead

Over in Egypt where the pyramids were built 
kings and queens wore a golden crown
Boney M captured a rhythmical fantasy
while they told us where they sat down

Nick and Kylie were great together
sang a song that you may well not know
it was such a sweet murderous ballad
set down where the wild roses grow

June and Johnny were in true love forever
as they sang of always holdings hands
they dreamt of an eternity together
drawing on Jordan's golden sands

Outback in our beautiful western Queensland
where rivers can run so so dry
the Diamantina inspires songs from legends
Redgum, Slim and Banjo all gave it a try

Rivers bring life and hope for the future
Even when they are cracked dry and dead
Rain can bring them back to life
We can think to good times ahead

There's The Yangtze The Nile The Ganges 
The Mississippi Chattahoochee and The Amazon 
The Murray, Darling and The Snowy 
and the Nerang River I've spent much time on