Sunday, January 15, 2023

Poetry in Paradise is on the 4th Sunday of the month 2023


Poetry in Paradise is on the 4th Sunday of the month 2023

The library is now open on Sundays 9am to 4pm. Poetry in Paradise starts at 12 noon with light refreshments purchased from the library cafe or brought in by the attendees. We have a catch up on monthly activities and life's surprises and the recitals start at 1pm and usually after everyone has recited one or two poems we pack up at 3:30pm but can stay to 3:55pm if still have poems to share. 

We have optional monthly themes and first lines to inspire a poem or you are welcomed to share any poem on any at anytime, we try to not use vulgar language and unnecessary swearing and racism is not tolerated. Witty appropriate political incorrectness is encouraged. Hope to share a poem with you one day soon, founder and sole coordinator, Jeffrey  

More information is at or email me at or phone me on 042577153