Monday, July 20, 2009


Hub Cap

Oh, hub cap,
dearest hub cap,
won't you tell me where you are?
I haven't heard a word since when you
jumped off from my car.

It's hard for me to sleep at nights –
you could be any place!
And now when I approach my car,
I see that awful space.

That space that you once occupied
for many happy years,
that now is like a gaping wound
and brings me close to tears.

Oh, hub cap,
dearest hub cap,
you don't know how it feels
to drive around dejected
with my heart upon my wheels!

I still remember fondly
all the contours of your face.
What made it worse was
being there when you spun off into space!

So hub cap,
dearest hub cap,
won't you tell me where you've gone!
Without you there supporting me,
I feel I can't move on.

But what's this in the paper?
Something 'bout a “wreckers' yard”?
Hmm. Doesn't sound too hard.

I'll phone them, place an order,
talk to......whatsisname??......this chap!!
And somehow I will fill the void
and get a new hub cap.

But, hub cap,
dearest hub cap,
please don't be dismayed, my friend.
By finding your replacement
I'll be on the road again!

So, hub cap,
may you rust in peace
wherever you may lie.
And remember me – as I will you –
when we
go whizzing by.

Vincent Zaniewiski 2009

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