Thursday, April 13, 2017

Vale Joan Small.

Vale Joan Small.

Someone needed you more than us Joan
Your reason and your rhyme
They didn’t ask if you were ready
Someone took your time
But they cannot steal the memories
Your face amid the gloom
We will always have the words you left,
Smiles that lit the room.

How beautiful the memory Joan
That takes us back in years
Those Christmas pictures that Marta took
Sat amongst your peers
Reading our poems at ‘Banjo’s’ place
A damper in the coals
Sparks rising into the starless night,
Friends and kindred souls.

I’ll never forget the “Book Launch” Joan
The atmosphere was mad
Opera singing and ‘Yowie Man’
What a time we had!
A lovely day surrounded by friends
It really was a blast
I wish we were all back there again,
Safely in the past.

I love ‘The Rock in the River’ Joan
The message that you sent
About life and all its vagaries
What it was you meant
I love ‘Memory’s Illusions’ too
And how you found your peace
I’m glad you had clear memory lass
That blessed gift -  release

You were the rock in the river Joan
That gave the stream its voice
And patterns in the water flowing
Reason to rejoice
Creating all the swirling eddies
A dance-floor for a leaf
A haven for a fragile tadpole,
Sheltered underneath.

Your life was filled with lots of challenge
With joy and laughter too
Family and friends from everywhere
We’ll remember you
And when in time we meet again lass
We’ll know how to find you
You will be the rock in the river
We will surround you.

Tom Jones

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