Monday, April 21, 2008

The Chaise see’s all.

“Hey there Mr Flat face” Mr Turtle said
“what are you doin, messin up my bed?”
“hey there rubber neck” Mr Platypus spoke
“what’s that on ya back? Is it some kind of joke”
Mrs Water Dragon jumped into the fight
“You boys do this every day and it’s just not right!!”

A big fat eel swam over from the waters edge
Just about to talk, when a mullet, landed on his head
“Wee” said the mullet as he leapt right out again
“It’s pretty lonely down here, have you seen my friend?”

A family of magpie geese made a funny warbled sound
Just in time to see the crows all gathered around
A butcher bird and a budgie went screaming round a tree
A flaming big march fly bit me, right there on me knee

A huntsman spider eyed me, eight times from a window near my head
His cousin crawled beneath my coffee table with a back that was a pretty red
I split my Strongbow cider and the ants all came to town
Then the crows swore furiously at the scraps I threw upon the ground

My faithful old bluey was snoring soundly in his comfy rag filled bed
Totally oblivious to all the things these creatures, one and all had said
A gecko twerped from a concealed and darkened place
While a possum in the tree was disturbed I’d seen his face

The cat laid a mouse with a deeply furrowed brow at my feet
I had to put my guitar down and get up from my seat
Putting mousey in the garden I picked a tomato from the bush
Then I spied a guava, shoving half a dozen in my mush

I saw a snake the colour of shinny carpet with a lump half way along
While I walked around calling Kitty kitty but it seemed kitty had moved on
I went back up on the veranda where my also naked lady lay
Without a doubt in my mind, why I live, where I live, today.

Poetry in Paradise. Reg trade mark No. 1028534 Jeffrey Goudy Author/Poet

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