Sunday, August 19, 2012

Poetry group, do I go or not go??/

I received a phone call not unlike some I've had before 
people enquiring about our poetry group
and wondering what lay in store

Is it a poetry lesson will you tell me if mine are good 
Do you dissect them very much
I want to come but I'm wondering if I should

Oh so you don't teach poetry you don't teach at all 
there's not one single lesson
then what are the people coming for ?

Don't they get bored you must get some funny looks 
Don't the people fall asleep
when you recite to them from books

Could I email or post you a poem or maybe two 
you can read them out please
then let me know what does the audience do

How do you choose the poems your going to read 
do you make the final decision
and is rhyming an essential need

Every month we write new poems that we want to share 
we look deep inside our hearts
then we let the world know how much we care

We write on the things in our lives that really matter 
we go around the group three times
before and after we sit and natter

Everyone gets applause and everyone has a turn 
no judging or critiquing
from each other I guess we learn

Yes I run a poetry group and yes I have no!!! qualification
My pedigree is Aussie mate
Our poets are legends in this nation COPYRIGHT POETRY IN PARADISE 2012 REG TRADE NUMBER 1028534 

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