Sunday, August 19, 2012

It ain't easy being me.

It's not easy being me always doing too many things at once 
I'm a male and ask my ol'school teachers a little bit of a dunce 
No one's ever heard me say that I know all the answers
But I'm always up for new things and I've taken lots of chances

It's not easy being me the only man in a house full of women
Trying to get a sleep in some day's is a little bit like I'm dreaming
A lift here a lift there, here again there again the taxi never ends
Dawn till dusk and then on a late night journey another daughter sends

It's not easy being me loving such a nice beautiful pretty lady 
when I'm coming from a past best described as a little bit shady 
Beauty and the beast at times comes to the for front of my mind 
Me all rough around the edges and Irene so sweet and kind

It's not easy being me looked up to by all you talented poets
My poetry is wanting and at times it's publicly hard to show it
I'm always on the look out for another venue where we can recite
this library is pretty nice but there's no sign of a tree and thats not right

It's not easy being me always getting asked to do another free recital but poetry is a centre part of my life and to me really really vital 
Getting to share my hobby regularly then paid fully in applause 
Poetry is my passion and spreading it through the world is my cause

It's not easy being me but then again you know, it's not all that bad
I look a little bit like me mum and nothing at all like me Dad
I get to see you all each month and we all get to share our poetic verse 

Life can be a struggle, but all in all it could surely be a whole lot worse.

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